Matthews Mural
Matthews Mural
Matthews on the Move

Welcome to Matthews, Indiana
Welcome to Matthews, a small town with a big heart! Matthews exemplifies everything that is great about small-town America. Residents that care for each other, peaceful streets, a beautiful rural setting, fun events, and active civic organizations define our town. Many citizens trace their lineage back multiple generations.
We are a generous community with active churches and civic organizations. Our local churches provide the spiritual foundation for compassionate and caring activities for community members. They provide a local food bank, fund raising for disaster relief, cancer care and Christmas giving for local families.
The Volunteer Fire Department not only donates their time to help us in our time of need but also does fund raisers. Much of their work is done behind the scenes in service to the community. Along with our Town Marshall, they protect our property and keep us safe.
Community volunteers keep our town looking great. Whether it is fixing playground equipment, doing maintenance on the community building, spending a day cutting down limbs that are hanging over the streets, or tending to the flowers around town, everyone works together to keep the town beautiful and safe.
Civic organizations
The Matthews Lions Club organizes the Covered Bridge Festival each year on the first weekend after Labor Day, and they sell frosted malts at local festivals and events in the surrounding areas. The Lions Club is always investing in our community.
The Matthews Chamber takes on community projects, such as the Matthews Mural, that beautify and improve our town.
Throughout the year, Matthews hosts local, state-wide and even national events.
Covered Bridge Festival – On the first weekend after Labor Day in September, the Matthews Lions Club hosts the Cumberland Covered Bridge Festival. It is advertised as the most fun in Indiana for $2.00. For more information, visit their website at: Covered Bridge Festival.
During the Cumberland Covered Bridge Festival, the Matthews Volunteer Fire Department hosts their annual car show at the community center. You can find out more at: Car Show.
The Muddobbers Motorcycle Club has multiple events each year. The club is one of the oldest off-road motorcycle clubs in Indiana, holding and promoting enduro, family enduro and dual sport events. It was founded in the 1950s, and you can learn more about their events at: Muddobbers.
Matthews has a long and storied history. Known as “The Wonder City,” 120 years ago, Matthews was home to 120,000 people. Living in huge tent cities, workers flocked to brick, glass and steel plants that were fueled by an abundant supply of natural gas. Because of this activity, it is rumored that Matthews was once considered for Indiana’s capital. The extra wide main street, Massachusetts, Ave., remains today, indicating the once busy and bustling community of yesteryear.
Known as New Cumberland, founded in 1833, It was the second community in Grant County. The Cumberland Covered Bridge, crossing the Mississinewa River, was built in 1877, and is the center of the Covered Bridge Festival held each year in September.
Matthews has easy access to great schools, colleges, shopping and jobs. Excellent public and private schools are within easy access. We are located in the Eastbrook K-12 Community School district of Grant County. Home school support groups are also available. Local colleges include, Ball State University, Taylor University, Anderson University, Indiana University, and Indiana Wesleyan University. Ivy Tech Community College provide vocational technical training and junior college courses.
Shopping is close by in Muncie and Marion, and big city stores are a short drive to Indianapolis and Fort Wayne.
Employment is within a short commute from Matthews. Jobs are plentiful in multiple industries, including manufacturing, farming, retail, and transportation. Our community is also home to Jennerjahn Machine, Inc. and Matthews Feed & Grain. Jennerjahn is a global machine company and the Matthews Feed & Grain is one of the largest agricultural enterprises in Indiana.
Our website is your destination for information about our community. Below is a quick summary of our website.
For Town Government & Facilities visit:
Town Council
Town Facilities
Town Marshall
For Community information visit these pages:
Local Businesses
PhyXTGears Youth Robotics Team
Matthews Mural & History
Muddobbers Motorcycle Club
Garfield Statue at City Hall
Matthews Town Hall
816 Wisconsin Ave. Matthews, Indiana 46957
816 Wisconsin Ave. Matthews, Indiana 46957