Team #1720, The PhyXTGears
P.O. Box 202, Matthews, IN 46957-0202
Our Work
Our Students
Our Training
Students are encouraged to try their hand in multiple skill areas through their time at PhyXTGears. For example, a student may start in the metal shop and then migrate to CAD and 3D printing as they begin to understand how parts are made and fit together. Mentors are there to guide students each step of the way. Many students are motivated to work on their skills outside of the regular meetings.

Our Robots
Sorry to disappoint, but our robots do not look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. They are, however, complex machines that must move around a playing field, performing multiple tasks. The components and custom parts for each robot will cost about $5,000. Numerous motors, gears, chains, sprockets, wheels, electronics and a big battery make up our robots.

Our Competition
Each season we build a robot according to rules created by the international FIRST Robotics organization, of which we are a member. Our team of mentors and students then compete at multiple events in Indiana, and if we qualify we may be invited to the FIRST Robotics Championship, the Super Bowl of robot competitions. Imagine packing up and transporting a football team to an away game, and you will have an idea of what it takes to transport the robot, parts, tools, students and mentors to competitions. While district and state competitions are within Indiana, PhyXTGears has traveled to four FIRST Robotics Championships in Detroit (twice) and St. Louis (twice). The dollar costs for registrations and travel are high, but the dividends are priceless in terms of the student experience.
Our Implementation

Our Operation
Our organization operations cost is less than most nonprofits, thanks to the generous in-kind donation of the rent expense by the building owner. Our facility in Matthews, Indiana is at 625 Massachusetts Ave. and occupies the south ⅓ of the “mural building.” The Matthews mural is a central feature of the town, and our PhyXTGears name and 2020 “Infinite Horsepower” robot are featured on the right side of the huge 100’ x 15’ mural. Our 5,000 ft2 facility is furnished with over $95,000 of capital equipment used for robot construction. This includes a wood shop, metal shop, CAD area, programming area, along with a classroom/meeting area, kitchen and reception area.
Our Mission
The mission of East Central Indiana Robotics (ECIR), PhyXTGears, is to cultivate excitement, understanding and skill in the fields of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) through the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics program. Through the use of problem-solving, teamwork, time management, and project development, ECIR promotes innovation, integrity and passion in all we do, and strives to prepare student leaders in order to positively impact our local community.

Our Results
Our students are placed on a track for success through their participation in our robotics program. They can enter the technical trades or college with a head start over their peers. Several students have received full scholarships based on their achievements in our program.
Here’s what Philip, one of our students, has to say:
“It’s a great team environment. The mentors are very helpful, teaching us and letting us work on our own.”
Our parents can see the impact on their students in terms of not only acquisition of technical skills, but also in terms of developing new friendships, self-confidence, presentation skills and team building.

Here’s what Todd, parent of Sami, has to say:
“As I talk to Sami, she regularly is excited to tell me how when she first got here, she had no idea what the mentors were talking about, but now, after just 5 months, she can explain these same components and concepts to others.”

Our volunteer mentors are dedicated professionals who give their time to teaching the students skills and life lessons that will last a lifetime.
Some of our alumni return to PhyXTGears as mentors. They want to pass on their experience as young professionals to the next generation of students. They want to give back to the organization that gave them the encouragement and training to be successful in life.
Ashley was a student in our program and has returned as a media mentor. Here’s what Ashley has to say:
“I enjoy getting to inspire students to find their passion in robotics and media and the sense of community and family within our robotics team.”
Our alumni embody the success of our robotics program. They develop self-confidence and pride in their work. When they graduate from our program they are well prepared to enter the trades or college.

Our Parent Organization
Our parent organization, FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology at https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/frc) is a robotics community that prepares young people for the future through a suite of inclusive, team-based robotics programs for ages 4-18 (PreK-12) that can be facilitated in school or in structured afterschool programs, or through community based teams such as PhyXTGears.
We’re like a sports team, except at our competitions we cheer for our robot. “The only difference between this sport and all the others, is that every kid on our teams can turn pro.” – FIRST Founder Dean Kamen
Our Mentors
Our mentors are dedicated professionals in their respective fields, who volunteer their time and are committed to the success of the students. We have no paid staff or board members. Our lead mentor, Mike Koch, was honored in 2019 with the FIRST Robotics Woodie Flowers Finalist award (WFFA). Each year only one mentor in the state of Indiana receives this award.
Mike’s 16 years of tireless devotion to teaching young people and mentoring PhyXTGears students is an inspiration to all the other mentors.

“The Woodie Flowers Award celebrates effective communication in the art and science of engineering and design. Dr. William Murphy founded this prestigious award in 1996 to recognize mentors within the FIRST Robotics Competition who lead, inspire, and empower using excellent communication skills. Dr. Murphy wanted to bring attention to the eloquent and effective communication skills of Dr. Woodie Flowers, so this award was created.” https://www.woodieflowers.org/
Our News – March 2022
After our first two district competitions in 2022 our robot is ranked third in the state of Indiana. State competitions are coming up in April where we will be a top contender. The local newspaper article below highlights our accomplishment.

Our Impact
Our work is year round and sustainable. PhyXTGears has implemented its program every year since its founding in 2006. Students participate in our program through their high school years, and once they start in our program, they return each year through graduation.
Local universities such as Taylor University and Indiana Wesleyan University have admitted a number of our students into their programs. They know that PhyXTGears students are better prepared for their science and technology curricula.

Our Community
We intentionally connect with our local community through service and outreach programs. Outreach is an important part of the character development of our students. The community and schools appreciate our service, and it’s what local businesses value in potential future employees.
Bottle Caps to Benches
Our students participate in a community recycling program in Matthews, Indiana. Bottle caps are collected by the thousands and converted into 200 lb benches which are placed around the town of Matthews where PhyXTGears is located. Students help clean and sort the bottle caps along with other members of the community. To date, approximately 20 benches have been made.

Our Future
Good things are happening at PhyXTGears and we plan to serve our students and community for many years to come.